"The Merry Widow" revolves around the wonderful story of the beautiful, rich widow named Hanna and Danilo and how her countrymen guard her wealth by attempting to find the right husband. It was a delightful quest that will enchant you as the story unfolds, with a twist of intrigue, romance, comedy, and mishaps.
The operetta, a great combination of music, costumes, pleasant characters, and outstanding performances became a major success from its original production and was internationally acclaimed in Europe and even in the USA. It was well-received and critically raved to the point of running 483 performances in Vienna during 1905, 416 performances on its first American production, not to mention the whole of its performances, remakes, and other versions throughout history.
Truly, "The Merry Widow" is a phenomenal play, worthy of revisiting and commemorating until today's generation.
Read more about its plot at: https://galaxymusicnotes.com/pages/the-merry-widow-the-greatest-opera-work-by-franz-lehar