“The Marriage of Figaro,” also known as “Le nozze di Figaro” in Italian, is a comic opera where the libretto is based on a stage comedy titled “The Mad Day” or “The Marriage of Figaro” by Pierre Beaumarchais.
The story revolves of servants Susanna and Figaro, and how they have triumphed their philandering employer Count Almaviva. The romance eventually succeeded into marriage albeit some crazy twists and turns.
Mozart's grandeur musical imagination had truly captivated the audience as he fused the instrumental structures beautifully with spot-on comedy, dramatic tension; a truly fizzing volcano of emotions where the audience connects with the characters, caught in the vast cycle of commitment, infidelity, transgression, and forgiveness which are actually part of life!
Learn more about this reinvigorated operatic discourse at: https://galaxymusicnotes.com/pages/learn-the-story-behind-the-marriage-of-figaro-by-mozart